Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet!
Let me guess, you have an awesome business but are running out of hours in the day to do all that you need and want to do. If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place!
I’m Amanda Ray and as a Digital Marketing Consultant, I provide clients with individualized digital marketing & social media services to grow and/or start their businesses while ultimately fulfilling their dreams of becoming (or staying) a successful entrepreneur. All the while, giving them their precious time back!
Many of my clients seek Digital Marketing services such as social media management, customer relationship management, email management, and content creation (i.e. copywriting services, digital editing, etc.). Other clients are looking for guidance on how to get their digital marketing started for their business. I’m happy to work with you on your specific needs to implement the best possible strategies to reach and build a strong relationship with your target audience.
I love what I do. And you’ll love that I will do it FOR you.
My favorite skills:
- Social Media Marketing – the management of branded accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.
- Community-building
- Creative strategy
- Social listening
- Email Marketing – the strategic management and operation of a company’s email communication with prospects and customers. To build relationships with everyone who has given you their email address, and convert them into customers — and then repeat customers.
- Lifecycle marketing or retention marketing
- Email deliverability
- Email newsletters and list growth
- Content Marketing – the strategic creation, publication, and distribution of written, audio and visual content assets.
- Research
- Writing
- Editing
- Content design management
- Uploading and publishing web content
For some examples of my writing and content creation, you can visit my websites:
The Chambray Bunny – Influencer Account for Lifestyle, Family, Pets, Travel, Health Products
Raydiant Love – New website that will share information on Foster-To-Adopt, Family Lifestyle, and Faith
Amanda Ray Digital Marketing – The website you are currently visiting. Provides information on starting a blog as an influencer and provides digital marketing services for entrepreneurs.
My LinkedIn page – detailed review of my experience with recommendations
My personal “influencer” Instagram account: @TheChambrayBunny
Notable Case Studies:

Or fill out the contact form below. I’m excited to meet you!
Quick Note: I primarily work via contract and am open to working on a project basis or by retainer/hourly.